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unilogo University of Stuttgart
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics

Numerical Methods for Analysis and Optimization of Mechanical Systems


Informations to the Lecture Numerical Methods for Analysis and Optimization of Mechanical Systems:

Dr.-Ing. Pascal Ziegler
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. E.h. Peter Eberhard

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. General principles of numerical calculations
    • 2.1 Definitions
    • 2.2 Numerical principals
    • 2.3 Machine numbers
    • 2.4 Error estimation
  • 3. Systems of linear algebraic equations
    • 3.1 Motivation
    • 3.2 Direct methods for square coefficient matrix
    • 3.3 Cholesky-decomposition
    • 3.4 Gauss-elimination
    • 3.5 LR-decomposition
    • 3.6 QR-decomposition
    • 3.7 Iterative methodes for square coefficient matrix
    • 3.8 Determinant of a matrix
    • 3.9 Matrix inversion
    • 3.10 Least square problem
    • 3.11 Tools and numerical libraries for linear algebraic equations
  • 4. Eigenvalue problems
    • 4.1 General basics
    • 4.2 Normal forms
    • 4.3 Power methods
    • 4.4 QR-algorithm
    • 4.5 Calculation of eigenvectors
    • 4.6 Practical solution of eigenvalue problems
    • 4.7 Tools and numerical libraries for eigenvalue problems
  • 5. Initial value problem for ordinary differantial equations
    • 5.1 Motivation
    • 5.2 Basic remarks>
    • 5.3 Single-step methods
    • 5.4 Extrapolation methods
    • 5.5 Multistep methods
    • 5.6 Comparison of the different methods
    • 5.7 Tools and numerical libraries for initial value problems