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Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics

Object Oriented Data Model For Mechatronic Systems


Project Description

The object oriented database DAMOS-C supports a modular, redundance free modelling of mechatronic systems. It is implemented in C and contains methods for the encapsulated management of mechatronic system elements in a library.

Data converters translate the model description of mechanical systems within the neutral data model of mechatronic systems into an input format of several multibody system formalisms.

To support the input in the neutral data format DAMOS-C a program called NEWMOD is implemented. It is a Motif based graphical user interface.

Actual investigations dealt with a standardizationable neutral dataformat for mechatronic systems. The automotive industry required such a dataformat and therefore the project MechaSTEP from 01.10.97 to 30.09.00 was initiated.


  • Claus, Holger; Eberhard, Peter; Neerpasch, Uwe:
    NEWMOD - Modellierung von Mehrkörpersystemen,
    Anleitung AN-36. Stuttgart: Universität, Institut B für Mechanik, 1994.
  • Dürr, Rainer:
    Katalog über die Elemente der Datenkapsel DAMOS-C,
    Forschungsbericht FB-28. Stuttgart: Universität, Institut B für Mechanik, 1995.
  • Dürr, Rainer:
    Objektorientierte Modellbildung mechatronischer Systeme für die Simulation,
    Forschungsbericht FB-32. Stuttgart: Universität, Institut B für Mechanik, 1997.

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