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Dipl.-Math. Dennis Grunert

Address Dennis Grunert
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Office Pfaffenwaldring 9, 3th Floor
Room 3.103
+49 711 685-66581
+49 711 685-66400
Email (Public PGP-Key, vCard)

Field of Research


black: published,  green: accepted for publication,  red: submitted for publication
  • Grunert, D.; Fehr, J.; Haasdonk, B.: Well-scaled, A-posteriori Error Estimation for Model Order Reduction of Large Second-order Mechanical Systems.
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2019). PrePrint DOI: 10.18419/opus-10303
  • Hose, D.; Grunert, D.; Hanss, M.: Consistency in the Inverse Propagation of Discrete Probability and Possibility Distributions.
    International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (2018).
  • Fehr, J.; Grunert, D.; Haasdonk, B.; Bhatt, A.: Error Estimation for the Simulation of Elastic Multibody Systems. PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2018.
  • Fehr, J.; Grunert, D.; Bhatt, A.; Haasdonk, B.: A Sensitivity Study of Error Estimation in Reduced Elastic Multibody Systems. In Proceedings of the MATHMOD 2018 – 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.03.035
  • Fehr, J., Grunert, D., Holzwarth, P., Fröhlich, B., Walker, N., Eberhard, P.: Morembs - a Model Order Reduction Package for Elastic Multibody Systems and Beyond. KoMSO Post-Workshop Proceedings - Reduced-Order Modeling, 2017.
  • Grunert, D., Fehr, J.: Identification of Nonlinear Behavior with Clustering Techniques in Car Crash Simulations for Better Model Reduction. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 2016. DOI: 10.1186/s40323-016-0072-x
  • Fehr, J., Grunert, D.: Model Reduction and Clustering Techniques for Crash Simulations. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 15(1), 2015. DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201510053
  • Grunert, D.: Lieb-Thirring-Ungleichungen und Asymptotik in schwacher Kopplung des eindimensionalen Schrödinger-Operators mit variablen Koeffizienten, Diploma Thesis, unpublished. Stuttgart: University of Stuttgart, Institut for Analysis, Dynamics and Modelling, 2014.

Poster Presentations

  • May 22nd, 2018: IUTAM Symposium Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, "Error Estimation for the Simulation of Elastic Multibody Systems"
  • April 12th, 2018: Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems IV (MoRePaS 2018), Nantes, France, "Faster A-posteriori Error Estimation for Second Order Mechanical Systems"
  • March 27th, 2018: 2nd International Conference on Simulation Technology, Stuttgart, Germany, "Non-intrusive Model Reduction with Machine Learning"
  • October 5th, 2017: SimTech Status Seminar, Bad Boll, Germany, "Non-intrusive Model Reduction with Machine Learning"
  • February 28th, 2017: SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Atlanta, USA, "New Clustering Algorithms to Identify Nonlinear Behavior During a Car Crash Simulation"
  • November 25th, 2016: SimTech Status Seminar, Bad Boll, Germany, "Non-intrusive Model Reduction for Crash Simulations"
  • August 30th, 2016: 3rd International Workshop on Order-Reduction Methods for Mechanics of Materials, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, "Hyperreduction with Local Bases for Differential Algebraic Equations"
  • November 25th, 2015: SimTech Status Seminar, Bad Boll, Germany, "Identification of Nonlinear Behavior with Clustering Techniques in Car Crash Simulations for Better Model Reduction"
  • November 5th, 2015: ECCOMAS Thematic Conference: Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques, Paris, France, "Identification of Nonlinear Behavior with Clustering Techniques in Car Crash Simulations for Better Model Reduction"
  • December 10th, 2014: SimTech Status Seminar, Bad Boll, Germany, "Error Controlled Nonlinear Model Reduction Techniques for Crash Simulations"


  • February 23rd, 2018: SimTech-Seminar, Stuttgart, "Softwarelizenzen"
  • June 27th, 2017: 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Budapest, Hungary, "Towards the Adoption of the Stiffness Evaluation Procedure as Non-intrusive, Non-linear Model Reduction Method in Car Crash Simulations"
  • October 14th, 2016: SimTech MOR Seminar and SimTech Milestone Presentation, Stuttgart, Germany, "Error-controlled Nonlinear Model Reduction Techniques for Crash Simulations"
  • September 19th, 2016: GMA Fachausschuss 1.30, Anif, Austria, "Nicht-intrusive Modellreduktion in der Fahrzeug-Crashsimulation"
  • August 30th, 2016: 3rd International Workshop on Order-Reduction Methods for Mechanics of Materials, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, "Hyperreduction with Local Bases for Differential Algebraic Equations"
  • November 25th, 2015: SimTech Status Seminar, Bad Boll, Germany, "PN 3-10: Error Controlled Nonlinear Model Reduction Techniques For Crash Simulations"
  • September 16th, 2015: Fifth Reduced Basis Summer School, Hegne, Germany, "Data-driven Identification of Non-linearities in the Simulation of a Car Crash"
  • February 3rd, 2015: SimTech Seminar "Optimal Control and Applications", Stuttgart, Germany, "Review about Model Order Reduction Based on Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD)"

Supervised Student Theses

  • Leistungsevaluation eines Fehlerschätzers an komplexen Modellen in Neweul-M2, student thesis, STUD-480.
    Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2018.
  • Nicht-intrusive Modellreduktion in LS-DYNA mit maschinellem Lernen, bachelor thesis, BSC-83.
    Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2017.
  • Robuste Bilderkennung mithilfe von Clustering-Methoden unter Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten, project work (together with Markus Mäck), work in progress.
    Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2017.
  • Abschätzung des Fehlers bei der Integration von reduzierten elastischen Körpern in Neweul-M2, student thesis (main supervisor: Jörg Fehr), STUD-474.
    Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2017.
  • Kopplungs- und Kontaktformulierungen für linear reduzierte Teilmodelle eines Fahrzeugs in LS-DYNA, student thesis, STUD-465.
    Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2017.
  • Erweiterung von Clusteringverfahren zur Erkennung von nichtlinearem Verhalten eines kompletten Fahrzeugmodells, bachelor thesis, BSC-68.
    Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2016.
  • Schnellere Crashsimulation durch Substrukturierung und lineare Modellreduktion, student thesis, STUD-441.
    Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2016.
  • Nichtlineare Modellreduktion durch lokale Basisapproximation und Hyperreduktion anhand einer Belastungsprobe, bachelor thesis, BSC-59.
    Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2016.
  • Clustering-Methoden zur Erkennung von Fahrzeugbauteilen mit nichtlinearem Verhalten beim Crash, bachelor thesis, BSC-47.
    Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2015.
  • Nicht-lineare Modellreduktion mit POD(-DEIM) an einer Belastungsprobe, student thesis, STUD-424.
    Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2015.


Additional Services at the Institute

  • system administrator, first aider