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Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics


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Dr.-Ing. Yu JIANG (2004 - 2007)

Address Yu JIANG
Freyeslebenstr. 1
91058 Erlangen
Email yujiang06 (at)

Field of Research


black: published,  green: accepted for publication,  red: submitted for publication
  • Jiang, Yu: On the solution of elastodynamic Signorini problems with Coulomb friction using boundary element method. Technical report ZB-139. Stuttgart: University of Stuttgart, Institute B of Mechanics, 2004.
  • Jiang, Y.; Eberhard, P.:  An Experimental and Numerical Study of Deformable Bodies Contact, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2006.
  • Eberhard, P.; Hueber, S.; Jiang, Y.; Wohlmuth, B.: Multilevel Numerical Algorithms and Experiments for Contact Dynamics. In: Multifield Problems in Solids and Fluid Mechanics, Eds. R. Helmig, A. Mielke, B. Wohlmuth, Berlin: Springer, 2006.


  • 19. Feb 2004: SFB Statusseminar, Bad Herrenalb, "Investigation of Dynamic Contact by Multibody Systems and Experiments", Y. Jiang, P. Eberhard.
  • 07. Apr 2004: Statusseminar des Instituts, Burg Teck, Owen, "Frictional Impacts by Multibody Dynamics and Experiments", Y. Jiang.
  • 21. Feb 2005: SFB Statusseminar, Bad Herrenalb, "Design and Realization of Impact Experiments with Accompanying Numerical Simulations", Y. Jiang, P. Eberhard.
  • 09. Jun 2005: Statusseminar des Instituts, Rossberghaus, Reutlingen, "Design and Realization of Impact Experiments", Y. Jiang.
  • 29. Mar 2006: 77th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathemaik und Mechanik (GAMM) 27-31 Mar 2006, Berlin, "An Experimental and Numerical Study of Deformable Bodies Contact", Y. Jiang, P. Eberhard.
  • 06. Jul 2006: Statusseminar des Instituts, Rossberghaus, Reutlingen, "Measurements on Oblique Disc-Strip Impact Using High-speed Camera Analysis", Y. Jiang.
  • 06. Oct 2006: International Conference on Multifield Problems 04-06 Oct. 2006, Stuttgart, "Experiments in Contact Dynamics", Y. Jiang, P. Eberhard.

Supervised Student- and Diplomathesis

  • Gänzle, David: Stoßuntersuchungen mit einer Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera, Studienarbeit STUD-243. Stuttgart: Universität, Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik, 2006.

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