Dr.-Ing. Michael Lehner (2003 - 2007)
Field of Research
Flexible Multibody Systems
black: published, green: accepted for publication, red: submitted for publication
Lehner, M.; Eberhard, P: Integration of a Multibody Simulation Module into a CAE-System.
ECCOMAS 2004, Jyväskylä, Finland (12 pages)
Lehner, M.; Eberhard, P: Model Reduction in Flexible Multibody Systems Using Krylov-Subspaces. PAMM (2 pages)
Lehner, M.; Eberhard, P: On the Use of Moment Matching to Build Reduced Order Models in Flexible Multibody Dynamics. Multibody System Dynamics, 16, 191-211, 2006 (21 pages)
Lehner, M.; Eberhard, P: Modellreduktion in elastischen Mehrkörpersystemen. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 54, 170-177, 2006 (8 pages)
Lehner, M.; Eberhard, P: A Two-Step Approach for Model Reduction in Flexible Multibody Dynamics. Multibody System Dynamics (23 pages)
December 16, 2002:
Seminar über Fragen der Mechanik, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart,
"Einbindung eines MKS-Moduls in ein übergeordnetes CAE-System" .
March 20, 2003:
Workshop über Deskriptorsysteme, Liborianum Paderborn, Paderborn,
"Einbindung eines MKS-Moduls in ein übergeordnetes CAE-System" .
October 1, 2003:
Ferienakademie 2003, Sarntal,
"Elastische Mehrkörpersysteme" .
8. April 2004:
Seminary 2004, Institute B of Mechanics, Burg Teck
"Zur Simulation Elastische Mehrkörpersysteme" .
July 27, 2004:
ECCOMAS 2004, Jyväskylä, Finland,
"Integration of a Multibody Simulation Module into a CAE-System" .
October 8, 2004:
Dynamik Workshop 2004,
"Implementierung eines Formalismus zur Simulation elastischer Mehrkörpersysteme zu Kopplung mit Hydraulik" .
June 8, 2005:
Seminary 2005, Institute B of Mechanics, Rossberghaus,
"Model Reduction in Flexible Multibody Systems using Krylov-Subspaces" .
September 29, 2005:
GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30, Bostalsee,
"Model Reduction in Flexible Multibody Systems using Krylov-Subspaces".
March 15, 2006:
EUROMECH Colloquium 476, Ferrol, Spanien
"Model Reduction of Flexible Multibody Systems Using Krylov-Subspaces and Mode Selection".
July 6, 2006:
Seminary 2006, Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, Rossberghaus,
"Model Reduction of Second Order Systems Using Gramian Matrices".
September 28, 2006:
GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30, Bostalsee,
"A Gramian Matrix Based Approach to Build Reduced Order Models for Flexible Multibody Systems".
Supervised Student- and Diplomathesis
Kilian, Christoph: Development of a Simulation Module for the Kinematic Analysis of Spatial Multibody Systems.
Master's Thesis DIPL-102. University of Stuttgart. Institute B of Mechanics, 2004
Stiehle, Ursula: Stoß eines elastischen Pendels.
Studienarbeit STUD-214. University of Stuttgart. Institute B of Mechanics, 2004
Sierts, Jürgen: Modellreduktion elastischer Körper in Mehrkörpersystemen.
Studienarbeit STUD-217. University of Stuttgart. Institute B of Mechanics, 2004
Simader, Christian: Integration einer Optimierungsschnittstelle in ein objektorientiertes Mehrkörpersimulationsprogramm.
Studienarbeit STUD-241. University of Stuttgart. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, 2006
Huber, Steffen: Modellreduktion elastischer Körper mit Hilfe der Proper Orthogonal Decomposition.
Studienarbeit STUD-253. University of Stuttgart. Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, 2006
Modeling and Simulation in Mechatronics, SS 03
Modeling and Simulation in Mechatronics, SS 04
Modeling and Simulation in Mechatronics, SS 05
Modeling and Simulation in Mechatronics, SS 06