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unilogo University of Stuttgart
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics

Voronoi Decomposition of Non-Convex Polygonal Surfaces



Some discretization methods, e.g. the Discrete Element Method require a decomposition of non-convex polygons into smaller convex polygons. If the decomposition is to be carried out automatically, a Voronoi-decomposition is a possible approach.
The difficult part of meshing a closed surface is the placement of the Voronoi-centers (points) in a way that the edges of the Voronoi-cells coincide exactly with the edges of the polygon which is to be decomposed. This is achieved by a mirroring of Voronoi-centers in the vicinity of the edges.
The position of the Voronoi-centers and thus the size of the Voronoi-cells is determined by means of statistical distribution functions. The polygon to be meshed is first divided up into large triangles which are then meshed subsequently. For the meshing of the triangles a mapping is used to calculate barycentric coordinates based on a rectangular distribution. Finally local corrections are applied at the edges and corners of the non-convex polygon.
The following color coded images are examples for some possible decompositions. Thereby, colors are assigned to the Voronoi-cells that match the time history of the placement of Voronoi-centers. The time is coded from red to blue.

If the area of the Voronoi-cells is color coded linearily one can see the pretty uniform area distribution which is independent of the shape of the global non-convex polygon.
